The Only Black Girls In Town follows a twelve year old black girl named Alberta with a penchant for surfing. When she hears about the new B&B owners down the street, Alberta is over the moon to hear that they have a black girl her age.
After years being the only black girl in her grade, Alberta can’t wait to hang out with this girl. A girl like her.
Award-winning author Brandy Colbert writes a middle-grade novel about two girls — Alberta, a beach-loving California girl, and Edie, a New York City goth girl. Alberta and Edie form a fast friendship and take on many challenges in a new school year, such as middle school bullies, racism, and change.
But when the unlikely pair discover a box of journals, written by an anonymous author, in Edie’s attic, it becomes a secret investigation. And as time goes on, both girls learn about the heartbreaking truth about segregation — and what it really means to be Black.
The Only Black Girls In Town features so many things that make it a good read: realistic characters, important themes for readers, and a great storyline, to name a few.
Let’s analyze Alberta first: she’s our main character. Warm, outgoing, and a good friend. She loves surfing and grew up with her two dads. Unlike most main characters in books I read, she isn’t perfect. She has flaws and responds to both unpleasant and exciting situations like a real human being.
Now Edie: another protagonist. She’s from New York City and has a hard time adjusting to small town life in Ewing Beach. Edie’s sarcastic, smart, and wants to be herself. She doesn’t steal all the attention from the other characters, despite how interesting she may seem. Edie makes mistakes and learns from them, just like a regular human being.
All of this is important because to write a great novel, you need to make sure your readers can connect with your main character, and both Alberta and Edie are quick-thinking, sensitive, and realistic characters.
Edie and Alberta are a perfect example of how, even in modern times, Black people still face racism and people need to be aware of that. This book is an educational opportunity for many, it’s something you as a parent or teacher should discuss with your kids. Racism is a pressing topic in society, we need to learn about what happened in our history so we can stop making the same mistakes repeatedly.
When I picked up this book, I had a good feeling about it, and as I read it, it did not disappoint. The Only Black Girls In Town is a story of racial injustice, change, and friendship, and I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in these topics.